Parent Involvement

Belonging to a co-op preschool means taking an active role in your child's early education. The success of the school is dependent on all members working together. Parent involvement allows children to get to know each other's families, caregivers to get to know their children's teachers and peers well, and each class to attend monthly field trips. By working together, we are able to keep costs far below almost all other preschools making the experience more affordable for everyone.

All members are required to:

Classroom Workdays

Family members are assigned a workday in the classroom once a week during the child's class. On your workday, you'll help the children learn through play and assist in the classroom routine.

The following adult-to-child ratios must be maintained in order for class to be held: 

It is your duty to provide a substitute when unable to attend, even in the event of an illness or vacation.  

*Children under 30 months must be accompanied by an authorized caregiver.

*If twins or multiples are enrolled in the same class, a member is able to work once per week as long as the above adult-child ratios are maintained.

Member Meetings

Families are also asked to attend a mandatory in person monthly parent meeting the fourth Wednesday of the month, September through May, from 6:30pm - 8:30pm. Meetings begin with an all-member business portion, followed by breakout sessions with individual classes for parent education with the class parent instructor.

Meetings take place at the CFF building.

Classroom Cleanings

Each member family is required to participate in cleaning the classroom twice during the school year. Classroom cleanings are typically held on the weekend and generally take less than 2 hours. Families that have more than one child enrolled in the preschool will still only be required to complete two class cleanings during the school year.

Families that serve on the Board are participate in one cleaning at the start of the school year. 

Classroom Jobs

Each member will select or have assigned to him/her a cooperative job for the school year. Each job is important to the smooth and cost-effective operation of the Cooperative. Each member is required to fulfill his or her cooperative job. 

Jobs include: Classroom Helper, Artwork Prep, Dramatic Play Area Coordinator, Member Meeting Helper, Fundraising Assistant, Class Photographer, Field Trip Coordinator, etc.

As an alternative, you can offer to hold a board position. Elected board members are not required to hold classroom jobs.

Board Positions

The CFF Co-op Board is composed of members, teachers, and parent educators.  The Board oversees the “business” of the cooperative, plans the annual programs, and prepares an annual budget and monitors expenditures accordingly. The Board consists of the following voting positions: Chairperson, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Registrar, Risk Management, Fundraising, Community Events Coordinator and a Class Coordinator for each class. 

As a Board member, you will attend monthly Board meetings, held from 6:30pm-8:30pm on the 2nd Wednesday of each month.

Board members are exempt from one classroom cleaning and do not have to hold an additional member job. They also receive training and support from Edmonds College’s Family Life Education Department.